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The Worst Advice About Money I Have Ever Heard

14. maja, 2017

As an average person, working hard every day, there’s just so much cash left after your regular expenses. Here are couple of suggestions how spending ...


The Naked Truth About Superfoods

8. maja, 2017

It’s an appealing idea: that some foods are healthy, some are unhealthy and some superhealthy. When you’re able to purchase all these “superfoods” to ...


Learn to control your immune system! The Wim Hof method explained

1. maja, 2017

Wim Hof, often reffered as the Iceman, is a person, who holds 20 world records. In recent years he developed a method, through which anyone will be ab...


The Causes of Higher States of Consciousness

24. aprila, 2017

Higher states of consciousness (HSCs) or awakening experiences, as I prefer to call them—are moments of revelation, when we perceive reality at a heig...


How the Food you eat affects your Mind

20. aprila, 2017

Foods do much more than simply provide our bodies with nutrition—they also influence how we feel and think.


What is Consciousness?

5. marca, 2017

Consciousness, rather than being something that we have, is something we participate in. Do we really want to dive into a subjective experiences rese...


Will we ever be able to record our dreams?

24. februarja, 2017

Now, Science has done an incredible discovery which will answer to that question for good. They have learned how to record dreams by measuring your br...


What are dreams and what do they mean?

17. februarja, 2017

REM dreams - "hallucinations of the sleeping mind" - are vivid, emotional and bizzare.


Does an apple a day really takes the doctor away?

10. februarja, 2017

Vitamins represent the backbone of our metabolic system and are definitely unreplacable parts of each diet/lifestyle/foodstyle we have. And that is wh...