Is Consciousness really a state of matter?

Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not phylosophy. This is physics.

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Albert Einstein

Adressing the Hard problem the wrong way?

Many scientists putting their minds to the Hard problem of Consciousness say we could be adressing the problem in the wrong way. A new way of thinking about it is starting to sweep throught Science like wildfire. The quiet revolution is underwaying the theoretical physics. For as long as the discipline has existed, physicists have been reluctant to discuss Consciousness. In these times that has finally started to change.

Max Tegmark – a theoretical physicist at the Massachustetts Insitutte of Technology in Cambridge offered the new look on Consciousness, which leads to precise questions about the nature of our reality. His approach is to think of Consciousness as a State of Matter, like a Solid, Liquid or a Gas:

I conjecture that Consciousness can be understood as yet another state of matter. Just as there are many types of liquids, there are many types of Consciousness

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Max Tegmark

Massachustetts Insitutte of Technology, Cambridge

In his TED talk – “Consciousness is a mathematical pattern” he describes the main problems of Consciousness research and offers us some incredible insights into the world of Consciousness exploration:

A great comparison of Consciousness with Wettness was made by him in his speech. If we look at Consciousness through the eyes of Physics we can see it as a phenomenon, which has properties above and beyond the properties of its particles, the same as Wettness. All solids, liquides and gasses have so called Emergent phenomenon properties, the same as Consciousness. Recent predictions point into a direction where Consciousness has properties not only above and beyond, but also indepent properties of its particles.


Could Consciousness be the way that information feels, when is being processed in some complex ways?

What are the paterns that make certain structures conscious?

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Max Tegmark

Massachustetts Insitutte of Technology, Cambridge

Yogic science perspective on Consciousness

Scientific perspective has come to similar conclusions as Yogic science has offered us for a long time. They both explore and try to understand some basics concepts of our existance, however in most cases their approach is completely oposite.

In the field of Consciousness they both have come to similar understandings. The substance and the intention of the Universe come from a deeper reality than the material one, we normally perceive with our minds and senses. And that reality can be called Consciousness.

I really recommed you to watch a talk from Dada Gunamuktanada, where he offeres some great thoughts on Consciousness, from the Yogic perspective.

According to Yogic teachings, Consciousness lies within, and so we must look for it within.

An all-pervading, blissful awareness, inherent in everybody and everything. Just as your consciousness is the essence of your mind, Cosmic Consciousness is the essence of the Universe. It exists within everything, and everything exists within it. Essentially everybody and everything is part of, and full of Consciousness.

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Dada Gunamuktanada

What are your thoughts on Consciousness?
Do you agree more with Scientific or Yogic perspective on Consciousness?
We would love to hear some of your experiences, thoughts and opinions.
Write in the comment below! 

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The Yoga is the journey of the self, to the self, through the self.

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Bhagavat Gita



Urh Meza

I was always curios. The waves of euphoric exploration on the newly-discovered topics carry me deeper into the ocean of knowledge. And then i start to write. As a psychologist and enterpreneur i developed a critical view of the world which offers unlimited possibilities for improvement. Because there is too much "false" teachings and personal growth guides out there, i decided to build my own knowledge base with science proven information and recent discoveries. I invite you to create it with me. Only with helping each other and spreading love through the Universe, we will all grow and raise our frequency of existence.