Learn to control your immune system! The Wim Hof method explained

Cold is your new warm friend.

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Wim Hof

The first look into the Wim Hof method


Wim Hof, often reffered as the Iceman, is a person, who holds 20 world records. In 2007 he climbed 6.7 km (22.000 ft) altitude at Mount Everest wearing nothing but shorts and shoes. In 2009 he reached the top of the Mount Kilimanjaro just in his shorts and completed a marathon above the arctic cirlce in Finland, with temperatures close to – 20 °C (−4 °F). In 2011 he styed immersed in ice for 1 hour and 52 minutes and ran a full marathon in the Namib Desert without drinking a singel drop of water. In recent years Wim Hof developed a method, through which anyone will be able to achieve these burried evolutionary “superpowers”. He sees himself as a normal person and clayms that anyone can reach the same results, with sufficient training and commitment.


His mission is to spread the knowledge to the World and enable everyone to become “Happy, healty and strong.”

Combining techniques of breathing with cold exposure Wim Hof method integrates key elements of most therapeutic techniques – the power of breathing, encouraging activity through exercise and expanding beyond your limits of comfort – through the help of the cold. Cold serving as your “True mirror” is your best training environment. If you can control your internal mechanism in the extreme cold, you can control them anywhere. He claims that through his breathing technique,exerciese and progressive cold training he can dive deep into his autonomic nervous system and older structures of the brain, enabling him to control his immune and endocrine systems.

Now he is working closely with the scientific community around the world to prove that his techniques work. We decided to dive into his method, compare it to similar ones and write an honest review of our experience when we integrated it into our lifestyle.

Core elements of the method



Breathing is one of the basic mechanisms that enable us to live. It is the form of interaction with the environment that we are not aware of most of the time. Controlled breathing not only keeps your mind and body functioning at their best performance, it also promotes feelings of relaxation and lower your blood pressure. Many experts from different disciplines encourage using the breath as a way of increasing your awareness, mindfulness and Zen. In scientific terms, a controlled breathing techniques can lower the level of your stress hormones and influence your nervous systems throgh the regulation of oxygen, CO2 and pH levels in your body.


There are many different techniques of breathing, but most practices combine these techniques:

  1. Balanced breathing – inhale and exhale last the same amount of time (example counting down from 10 seconds)
  2. Abdominal breathing – Taking a deep slow breaths through the nose and expanding your abdominal area, exhaling through the mouth like blowing a candle (the goal is to make your inhale and exhale as long as possible)
  3. Pranayama breathing – Using the brath to affect your constelation of mind-body energy. It is used to learn how to control your energy and calm your body and mind. There are many different techniques of Pranayama breathing, but the most common one is Ujjayi Breath – inhaling through the nose and exhaling with open mouth, just like you would like to bedew a glass with your breath, forming a wave-like sound.
  4. Power breathing – Inhale deeply and follow with a forceless passive exhalation (do not force to push the air out) – recommended 30-40 deep breaths. When doing this please sit and get comfortable.

The combination that is best for you – As always we encourage you to dive deep into each one of these techniques and explore what is best for you. Try to combine different methods and form your own technique of breathing. Most of the time we combine the Abdominal breathing technique with the concept of Power breathing, incorporating more “mind” and focus into the process of breathing. 


In our exploration we found a really good short video made by TEDx Talks where Max Strom describes the importance of intentional breathing practice and its relevance in our modern society.

Breath is the link between the Mind and the Body.

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Dan Brule

Wim Hof breathing technique

 Before you try this at home please make sure you are relaxed, and comfortable. Do not try this while driving, underwater and without the approval of your medical caregiver. Practicing this method is completely your own risk.


Wim Hof method of breathing consists out of 4 basic stages:
  1. Get comfortable and warm up (Optional – we have added this point based on our own experience)
    Laying on your bed or sitting down, eyes closed, take 15 deep breaths. Hold for a moment when you exhale.

  2. Do 30-40 power breaths
    Inhale deeply and follow with a forceless passive exhalation (it is really important not to force the air out) – you may combine this with some other breathing techniques. The main focus of controlled hyperventilation is to lower your levels of CO2 and increase the levels of O2 in the body.

  3. Exhale and hold
    After your last Power breath empty your lungs up to the point when the air pressure inside the lungs and around are the same (do not force the air out too much) and hold until you experience the gasp reflex on the top of your chest. You should not feel any tension when holding your breath.

  4. Recovery breath
    Inhale to full capacity and hold your breath once more for around 15 secons. Try to be aware of the feelings in your body and direct your intention towards different areas. Release any tension and completely relax.

Start this breathing practice with just one or two circles. When feeling comfortable you can expand to even 6 or more. During the 3rd phase (Exhale and hold) you can incorporate doing push-ups or yoga poses to increase the blood flow in your body and experience even greater effect. Wim combines this techniques of breathing with around 20 minutes of exercise, mostly in the morning, to get the energy rush and wake up.

IMPORTANT: This technique includes intentional hyperventilation, that is why you can experience some dizziness, pain, you can feel lightheaded or even see some patterns when your eyes are closed. It is very important to do these techniques gradually and not force anything.

One of the best videos, explaining Wim-Hof method was made by Aubrey Mckenzie. It is animated and we love it, you can check it here:


Controlled cold exposure is now scientifically proven to have health benefits (improving circulation, strenghtening your immune system, growth hormone release stimulation, mood improvement, hair and skin improvement, …).

I do not fear death, I fear not to live fully

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Wim Hof

After directing attention to different parts of your body, releasing tension and relaxing, it is time for you to meet your new warm friend – the cold. It is crucial that you try to relax as much as you can. Try to control your breath and embrace the cold, only then your body will be able to start termogenesis and turn-on the fire inside. And don’t worry, it will get easier. As you train your muscles in the gym and get stronger, you will train yourself to adapt to the cold – there are small muscles around your veins that contract when exposed to cold (according to Wim the adaptation happens after 3 weeks of training).

Start slow…

If you are new to cold exposure trainings, start slow. The best for this is

(download template here)


Week 1 (15s)
  1. Start with a warm shower
  2. Finish every shower with 15 seconds of cold water shower


Week 2 (30s)
  1. Start with a warm shower
  2. Finish with 30 seconds of cold shower


Week 3 (45s)
  1. Start with a warm shower
  2. Finish with cold shower for 45 seconds


Week 4 (60s)
  1. Warm shower
  2. Finish with cold shower for 1 minute


  1. Week 5: Start with warm shower and finish with 5 minutes of cold shower
  2. Finish your 25 days challenge with a 10 minutes cold bath (if you live by a cold lake, river or the ocean this would be perferc).


Normally, the autonomic nervous system is independent and regulated by our subconscious mind. It regulates breathing, functioning of our internal organs, digestion, the dilation and contraction of the blood vessels and the hartbeat. According to current medical findings, no influence can be exercised over the autonomic nervous system.

And that is why Wim Hof method is so extraodinary. In a variety of studies it was found that certain concentration/meditation techniques can result in independent, autonomic activity (Phongsuphap, Pongsupap, Chandanamattha & Lursinsap, 2008; Wu & Lo, 2008; Paul-Labrador et al., 2006). Proof has also been provided that Wim Hof is able to influence his autonomic nervous system with his technique (Pickkers, et. al., 2011), and moreover, proof has been provided that volunteers who were trained just for 10 days by his method were also able to influence their immune system (Kox,, 2014). This is the first scientific study that showed, that our immune system can be influenced from the inside.


Imagine what does that mean for the treatment of auto-Immune diseases, hart and vascular diseases, obesity, depression, anxiety and stress caused diseases?

Are we finally on the breakthrough of internal healing mechanisms awakening?
We are always determined to try everything for ourselves. That is the only way to find out if something suits your Mind, Body and Spirit. We advice you to do the same.

If you want to find out even more, meet Wim Hof as a person and get into his way of thinking, Vice made an amazing documentary about him.


What are your thoughts on Wim Hof and his technique?
Did you ever try any other cold exposure techiques? What breathing techniques work best for you?
Do you have any advice, comments or ideas you can add to our post?
We would love to hear from You!
We would love to hear some of your experiences, thoughts and opinions. Write in the comment below!

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Only by experience we can make a change.

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Spiritual Warrior



Urh Meza

I was always curios. The waves of euphoric exploration on the newly-discovered topics carry me deeper into the ocean of knowledge. And then i start to write. As a psychologist and enterpreneur i developed a critical view of the world which offers unlimited possibilities for improvement. Because there is too much "false" teachings and personal growth guides out there, i decided to build my own knowledge base with science proven information and recent discoveries. I invite you to create it with me. Only with helping each other and spreading love through the Universe, we will all grow and raise our frequency of existence.