Will we ever be able to record our dreams?

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Elenor Roosevelt

Technological advancements in dreaming

Are you one of those people who often don’t remember their dreams after waking up? I often have this experience myself – but does that mean i do not dream?
According to science this could not be possible and dream recall often depends on the sleep phase we are, when we wake up.

Now, Science has done an incredible discovery which will answer to that question for good. They have learned how to record dreams by measuring your brain activity. The invention of the algorithem, which transformes measured brain signals into images in the way that it can actually be played back, when you wake up is just amazing and inspiring. They have just invented a dream-reading machine. Now the machine is on its way on perfection and it is just a matter of time, until we will be able to watch our dreams every night.


In this amazing video by DNews Plus they touch this specific topic and expand it to other recent findings from Quantum Entanglement.

Is mutual dreaming possible? 

Mutual Dreaming experience means that two people or more share the same dreaming experience. This concept was introduced and popularized in the movide Inception, where lucid dreamers were able to connect with technology to the unconscious sleeping mind of a single dreamer.


What does the concept of Mutual Dreaming represents in the real world?
  1. So far mutual dreaming is very unlikely to exist in this most advanced way – two lucid dreamers interact through their dreams with the help of technology. However we could develop a technology in the near future, which will allow us just that.
  2. Some people report experiences of meshing dreams – different dreams, which share centrain elements (similar content of dreams in different people). This phenomenon is often explained by similar experiences in the waking state, which can result in similar dream content.


How to reach a Mutual Dream
  1. Learn how to lucid dream
  2. Find a dream partner, willing to try this experiment
  3. Common goal: Have a lucid dream at the same time and both remeber to meet up in your dreams
  4. Select a meet up location – select one that is unique just for two of you
  5. Make notes of your Mutual dreams and compare both


Watch real dreaming recording footage by DNews.

Final thoughts 

When exploring paranormal phenomenon such as mutual dreaming, always try to write down as much as you can and remeber to be objective. Always try to talk to others about your experiences and get the second opinion.

One the other hand at Spiritual Warrior we are really fond to the saying: “Progress is always achieved out of our comfort zone and on the borderline of our society.” Technological advancements offer are setting their way into our experiences and social interactions. This is the time when we need to expand our boundaries and limits. Maybe the art of lucid dreaming can help you do just that. 




Did you ever have a Mutual dreaming experience?
What techniques did you use?
Would you share your dreams on your social networks, if you could?
We would love to hear some of your experiences, thoughts and opinions.
Write in the comment below!
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Progress is always acchieved out of comfort zones and on the borderline of our societiy.

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Spiritual Warrior



Urh Meza

I was always curios. The waves of euphoric exploration on the newly-discovered topics carry me deeper into the ocean of knowledge. And then i start to write. As a psychologist and enterpreneur i developed a critical view of the world which offers unlimited possibilities for improvement. Because there is too much "false" teachings and personal growth guides out there, i decided to build my own knowledge base with science proven information and recent discoveries. I invite you to create it with me. Only with helping each other and spreading love through the Universe, we will all grow and raise our frequency of existence.